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Updated: May 11, 2023

By Logan Gray for the Christian Lede 1.30.23

When speaking with an Atheist who believes in The Big Bang Theory, it's a popular Apologetics tactic to ask them where the two particles came from that caused this event. Most likely- they'll say, "I don't know." However, the clever Atheist will throw the question back at the Christian: "well, where did your God come from?"

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The Bible never says that God is a created being; it only says He is eternal. God has always been.

The Atheist doesn't like this answer because he thinks it's a scapegoat. But in reality, he does not understand it. The Christian knows this answer, but also has trouble understanding that truth. So, how can we wrap our heads around this?

First, we need to recognize that time is part of creation. God created it and The Creator is not bound by creation. He lives outside of time and is not affected by it.

This is similar to a computer and the computer builder. If the computer gets a virus, the computer builder isn't sick. If the computer becomes a hostage to ransomware, the computer builder is still free.

(A 'god' that is bound by their own creation is not worthy of worship.)

Second, humans are part of creation and are bound by it. Time determines our beginnings and ends: a timeline. On Earth, our timelines start when we are born and end when we die, and we can easily visualize it with a 2D line.

Since God has no beginning or end, visualizing His timeline is like a 2D circle. The Circle's edges are one infinite curve and have no start or end points. But, if we want to be even more accurate: God's "timeline" is more like a 3D sphere compared to our 2D line. Again, it has no beginning or end points, and it is not limited by the second dimension. This is similar to how God has no beginning or end and is not limited by what we are.


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