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Logan E. Gray


Is email a useful tool or a complex chore? For many people it is both.


We rely on our e-mail to get things done, but we dread the amount of\Ntime it takes to read through and respond to all our messages. (7)


Effective e-mail management skills will help you organize your inbox, so your e-mail becomes more of a\Nhelpful tool and less of a chore. (11)


In this course, we're going to look at six tips to manage your inbox more\Nefficiently. (15)


Before we look at the tips, let's talk about what effective\Ne-mail management does for us. (17)

効果的なメール戦略は、3つのことを行います: 1. 受信トレイがきれいになるので、受信メールを見逃すことはありません, 2. 注意またはアクションが必要なメールを簡単に識別できるようになります, 3. 将来的には、重要なメールを特定できるようになります.

An effective e-mail strategy has three goals: 1. Keep our inbox clean so incoming mail isn't missed, 2. Easily identify the e-mails that\Nrequire attention or action, and 3. Be able to easily find important e-mails in the future. (27)


You can see the benefit of having an\Neffective e-mail management strategy when you compare these goals to how some\Npeople manage their e-mails today. (31)


Deleters read their e-mails and then delete them. Their inbox is always squeaky clean because they never save anything but that also means they can't refer back to old e-mails that might be important. (38)


Deleters often have to annoy their coworkers or clients to resend important e-mails because they didn't save them.(43)


Hoarders are the opposite. Hoarders have hundreds or even thousands of e-mails in\Ntheir inbox because they never take the time to organize their e-mail. (48)


In a Hoarders inbox, it's easy for important e-mails to get overlooked and it can be hard to figure out\Nwhich e-mails still need replies or other actions.


For organized and manageable e-mail, you may want to strive for what's\Ncalled Inbox Zero. After you've read through today's\Ne-mails, your inbox is completely empty with everything either deleted or filed away. (61)

伝統的なInbox Zeroのモデルでは、まだ対処が必要な電子メールは、特別なアクションアイテムフォルダにファイルされるか、フラグやスターでタグ付けされているため、作業するときに簡単に表示できます。

In the traditional Inbox Zero model, any e-mails that still need attention are either filed in a special action items folder or tagged with flags or stars so they can easily be viewed when you want to work on them. (70)


Another school of thought says that\Nhaving zero e-mails in your inbox isn't necessarily the best way to go. In this approach, any e-mails that still need\Nattention are left in your inbox, like a To-Do list, but all other e-mails are deleted or filed away. (79)


In our next module, we'll get started by creating our\Nfiling. (81)


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